Nutrition Counselling

Dietary recommendations improve your dog/cat’s overall health, addressing nutrient deficiencies.

There is a lot of information available about what you should or shouldn’t be feeding your dog or cat. However, not all of it is based on sound medical advice. Our veterinary team will support you in determining the best foods for your dog or cat, based on their age, lifestyle and overall health.

How do I know if I’m choosing the right dog/cat food?

If your adult dog or cat is healthy, you've likely selected their pet food based on their willingness to eat it. Your budget might have also influenced your choice of food. However, not all pet foods are created equal, and determining the appropriate feeding amount is more intricate than simply following the package instructions, which are typically just guidelines.

How can nutrition counselling help me make better choices for my dog/cat?

Our veterinarians can assist you in making informed decisions about your dog's or cat’s diet. We can provide guidance on selecting the most suitable foods based on their requirements and your budget, advise on appropriate portion sizes, and even help you decipher and comprehend pet food labels. We are capable of developing a customized nutrition plan tailored to your dog or cat. Furthermore, we are pleased to collaborate with owners to help their overweight dogs or cats achieve a healthy weight. To schedule a nutrition counseling appointment, please reach out to us at 613-748-9820.

What goes into choosing the best pet foods?

Selecting an appropriate diet can establish a foundation of lifelong good nutrition for your dog/cat, while also addressing a multitude of health concerns such as allergies, nutritional deficiencies, skin and coat disorders, and obesity. Nutritional needs for dogs and cats are influenced by various factors, including age, breed, and health status. For instance, senior pets have notably distinct requirements compared to puppies or kittens, and animals with conditions like diabetes, kidney disease, and other health issues can benefit from specialized diets. We will consider your dog or cat's individual requirements to shape our dietary suggestions.

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